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The South Fulton CID is a self-taxing district formed by the area’s property owners to advance business and community development. The CID currently covers portions of the Cities of Fairburn, Palmetto, South Fulton, and Union City. The CID is also exploring an expansion in 2026 with interested property owners in each of these cities.

To further understand the needs of both existing and potential properties within the district, the CID is working to gather community input on needs, challenges, and opportunities in the area. The below interactive map will allow you to mark specific locations and provide feedback on issues or ideas in the CID. Your feedback here allows the CID to understand the specific areas where additional planning and resources are needed to help advance the area as the Atlanta Region’s Logistics Link to the World.

About the CID

The South Fulton Community Improvement District (South Fulton CID) is a self-taxing group of property owners working together to facilitate business and community development through transportation improvements in partnership with government officials, business professionals and members of the surrounding community. It has two clear objectives:

  1. Enhance mobility and safety through the improvement of existing transportation infrastructure for those who work, reside, shop and commute in and to the South Fulton CID area.
  2. Enhance economic vitality and promote orderly growth in South Fulton.

With purposeful stewardship and community investment, the South Fulton CID supports the critical infrastructure needed to power the Atlanta region’s logistics link to the world. As the logistics industry continues to innovate, there will be even more demand for better connections. The actions we take to facilitate this vital network represent our contribution to a thriving future for South Fulton and the region.

For additional information on the South Fulton CID, please visit our website at

Interested in Joining the CID?

The South Fulton CID expansion is an opportunity to become a part of the CID to work together with your neighbors to create a more vibrant and safer community that fosters long-term economic growth. If you are a property owner or business, your input is essential to making this work a success!

Contact us today to learn more about the expansion and how you can participate.

Learn more about joining the South Fulton CID by emailing: or visiting

Have you taken the community survey yet?

Click the link below to make your voice heard (will open in new window).